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Graveney School

Reporting Concerns Anonymously

We are always keen to hear from you if you have any concerns about our school. There are many direct ways in which you can contact us, but you can also use the reporting facility below if you wish.

We also understand that there may be occasions where you have information that you would like to share with us, perhaps arising from discussions with your child about their experiences at school, but that you feel uncomfortable passing on. We have, therefore, set up the form (below) that is an anonymous reporting facility where you can share information that you think may be useful to us, but where you would prefer not to be identified.

Please do not use this form if you have a specific concern about your own child that you would like us to support with. These concerns will always be best shared through our usual channels so we can offer the most appropriate support (i.e. via their Form Tutor, Head of Year, Head of Phase or our Designated Safeguarding Lead). 

When writing an account of your concerns please give as much information and detail as you can.

Please complete all fields marked (*)

Optional (Name)

Optional (Email)

Optional (Year Group)