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Graveney School

Principal's Welcome

Welcome to Graveney School.

 Graveney is a very special place.  It is an aspirational school, with a consistent history of outstanding outcomes for students. But there is so much more to a school than its results.

With roots dating back to the 17th century, we are lucky enough to occupy a beautiful campus style site with an eclectic selection of buildings the most recent of which was built in 2019, winning a prestigious architectural award and incorporating an observatory for our students of Astronomy. Visitors tell us that our school has a ‘university feel’, quite unlike that of any other inner city  school.

 Graveney is a happy school. The quality of relationships between adults and students and between students themselves can be seen across the school. There is a rich diversity of students here, with 60 different languages spoken at home and a very broad socio-economic, cultural and ethnic mix that is very much reflective of the community in Tooting that we serve. This widely diverse group of people work harmoniously and happily together which makes Graveney feel safe and means that everyone  feels that they can belong. 

 Our staff are very well qualified. They all have degrees in the subjects that they teach and many have further qualifications in related specialisms. When you walk into our classrooms there is a palpable air of aspiration. Students are focussed and eager to learn – staff have a real mastery of their subject and it is clear that they love the job that they do. 

 We are also proud of the quality of the professional bonds between staff and friendships between students that are forged at Graveney and which live on long after they’ve left school. Our alumni visit regularly, sometimes to provide inspirational talks for younger students, or perhaps to help out with our Higher Education Fair. Some return to work for us when they’ve qualified as teachers, or teaching assistants or in the office. Others simply come back to visit because they want to say hello and tell us what they’ve done since they left.

 Please do look around our website to find out more about us, and if you can’t find what you’re looking for you can contact us at info@graveney.wandsworth.sch.uk.

 Cynthia Rickman | Principal