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Graveney School


The Learning Support Department supports the whole school in the identification and teaching and learning of students with SEND.

In particular those with: 

  • Specific Learning difficulties (SpLD) and cognition (including dyspraxia, dyslexia and dyscalculia)

  • Speech Language and Communication (SLCN), including ASD

  • Sensory and physical difficulties, including VI, HI and ADHD

  • Social, emotional and mental health Difficulties (SEMH) 

  • The SEN Department is based on the top floor of College House. 

  • For information on Admissions for pupils with an EHCP or to discuss the SEN provision in the school contact Ms Clark (SENCo) 

Our Aim

We have a clear referral system for students with SEN.

There is a process that includes dialogue with students, parents and professionals. This involves the assess, plan, do, review cycle as set out in the SEN policy.
We work as a whole school team to establish appropriate differentiation in the classroom for SEN pupils.

All members of the SEN department have expertise in all areas of special educational needs.

Please click on the links below to read our current policy on SEN and arrangements for the admission of SEN pupils.

To find out more about the 'local offer' in Wandsworth you can go to the following website:

Admission of pupils with an EHC Plan

Children with an EHC plan are admitted to school under separate statutory procedures set out in the Children and Families Act 2014. These procedures are managed by the child’s home Local Authority, not under the school’s determined admission arrangements. Parents of children with an EHC plan should therefore liaise with their child’s home Local Authority’s SEN team if they want Graveney to be named in their child’s plan as their child’s school.


The latest SEND Policy can be found in:

About Us/Policies/ SEND Policy February 2024

SEND Information Report 2024

Our Accessibility Strategy can be found in:

About Us/Policies/ Accessibility Strategy 2022

How to contact us

If you have any queries or wish to arrange a meeting please contact our SENCO, Ms Clark, on:

Email: senco@graveney.wandsworth.sch.uk

Tel: 020 8682 7037

Or write a letter marked for the attention of Ms S Clark at the school address.

For impartial advice with regard to a student with a statement or EHCP please contact Wandsworth Information and Advice Support Service (WIASS) on 020 8871 8065 or email wiass@wandsworth.gov.uk.