Advice For parents and carers on supporting transition
While many of you will be parents and carers of children already in the school, we know for of you this will be the first time you have gone through the process of supporting your child in moving from one part of their school career to the next.
The resources attached here are all produced by charities the school often works with, and who provide excellent guidance and advice for secondary aged children and their families.
They are all designed to support parents and carers in preparing their children for secondary transition and also give advice on what to do if your child is particularly anxious about this step.
Place2Be - Transition to secondary school
Anna - Supporting children's transition to secondary school booklet
Young - Top 10 Tips for parents
In addition, you may also be interested in the resources from the BBC which are designed for parents, carers and their children and which cover a wide range of concerns, questions and scenarios which might be relevant to your own child.
BBC resources - Starting Secondary School