VISION, Aims and Ethos
We are a fiercely aspirational school, committed to excellence and high standards in all areas and we value achievement of all kinds.
The opportunity to educate our young people is a very special privilege and it is one that we take extremely seriously. We believe that the best education is one that builds on the knowledge and discoveries made by those that have preceded us. By sharing that knowledge and those discoveries we will prepare our students to take their place as the next generation of adults, able to think about and address the global challenges that we face, armed with the evidence and equipped with the skills.
We believe that a successful environment for learning is one that both excites and inspires, as well as one that stimulates a real thirst for knowledge and a continual quest for self improvement. We value the learning that takes place not just within the classroom, but outside it as well. In this way we can be sure that our students will develop as happy, productive and successful young people with a clear sense of moral purpose.
We know that our job is to help our students to achieve outstanding academic success. We also understand that we must support them in making sense of the increasingly complex world that we live in today and teach them how they can improve it both for themselves and for future generations
We provide the structure, the encouragement and strategies which inspire and enable students to strive for high achievement in every aspect of their work and development, whatever their background. We seek always to raise levels of expectation regarding future goals using systems and processes that ensure that everyone is included in this vision of success. We actively oppose discrimination in all its forms and this key theme underpins everything that we do.
We also recognise that, as important as learning in the classroom is, the work that goes on outside the classroom has an equally important part to play. An extensive extra curricular offer ensures that all our students have the opportunity to develop their skills as independent and resilient learners.
Outstanding care, guidance and support are real strengths of the school. These key strengths reflect our inclusive ethos and provide the climate for everyone to fulfill their potential.
You can find out more about our aims, ethos and values in our full Curriculum Statement in the 'School Life' section of the website.
Students are clear about their learning and have excellent attitudes to learning. Challenging material is provided in lessons.
Ofsted report 2022