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Graveney School


The Graveney Trust Board is the body with overall legal responsibility for Graveney School. However, we also have a Governing Body to which a number of powers have been delegated by the Board.

The Governing Body fulfills a vitally important role in the full range of governance functions including staffing matters, pupil behaviour and welfare,  curriculum and performance.

In the Scheme of Delegation you can see what powers have been delegated to the school governing body. You can also find out who are governors are and when they will be meeting via the links below.  If you would like to contact a governor about any matter, you should do so via the Clerk to the Governors, Ms Jacqui Griffiths, who can be reached on 0208 682 7047 or alternatively via email her at jgriffiths@graveney.wandsworth.sch.uk   

If you want to find out more about the Graveney Trust, you can do so via their website which can be found at www.graveneytrust.org. Here you will be able to find a range of other statutory publications including the Memorandum and Articles of Association which relate to the whole Trust but include Graveney School. 

Graveney Trust Board of Directors & Graveney School Governing Body:

Scheme of Delegation

Graveney Trust Board and School Governing Body Meeting Schedule 2024-25

Governors' attendance at meetings 2023-2024

Registration of interests form 2024 - 2025