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Graveney School

Reporting Absence

Reporting An Absence

  • If your child is in Years 7-11, telephone the 24 hour direct line 020 8682 7072 Give your child’s name, form and reason for absence and who is leaving the message, or give a reason for absence via the My ED app.
  • For Sixth Form, telephone 0208 682 7063. Give your child’s name, form and reason for absence and who is leaving the message or give a reason for absence via the My ED app.
  • If your child is marked absent at morning registration (or their first timetabled lesson in the sixth form) and the school has not received a call from you, an automated system will contact you. The system will call your home number first and if there is no reply, your work number will be used, if you have one. If we still fail to make contact, the system will move on to the other contact numbers you have given us. It is therefore extremely important that we have up to date contact information on our database, so please remember to let us know of any changes. If you would prefer us to use a mobile phone number please let us know.

 Reporting absence because of  illness

  • When reporting absence because of illness please tell us the specific symptoms.
  • Vomiting bugs can be highly contagious. In such a large school, it is important to contain and prevent viruses from being spread from child to child. If your child has been vomiting or has diarrhoea at home, they need to be kept off school for at least 24 hours and thereafter until the symptoms have ceased.


 If your child is late into school, Years 7-11

  • Whenever a child is late he/she must report to the Attendance Office in Lower School to collect a late slip to take to their registration group or their lesson as appropriate. If this is not done the office has no way of knowing that your child is on site. This will cause you unnecessary anxiety whilst we try to establish the location of your child.
  • If your child has a music lesson during a registration period, they must ensure that their form tutor is aware of their absence in advance.

If you child has a medical or other appointment

  • If a pupil is coming in late or signing out of school for medical appointments or any other appointments the school will need to see evidence of these appointments so the absence can then be authorised. Evidence of appointments should be emailed to info@graveney.wandsworth.sch.uk
  • They must also have a note in their planner for the Head of Year/Deputy Head of Year to sign, giving us permission to sign them out at the attendance office, where they will be provided with a slip giving them permission to be out of school.

If your child is late into school, Sixth Form

  • All students must arrive promptly to their lessons and pm registration. If your child is marked absent and the school has not received a call from you, the automated call system will contact you as explained above.

  • A student who arrives late to their morning lessons or after registration has closed must report to the Sixth Form Attendance Office in the Sixth Form Study Centre to collect a late slip, and their presence in school will be recorded.