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Graveney School

'Step Up To Secondary' Summer Programme

We were delighted to have the opportunity to deliver a summer school for our new Year 7 cohort during the weeks commencing 16 and 23 August. In total, 200 members of our Year 7 cohort attending one of the weeks and were able to take part in the wealth of activities on offer.
We received £72002.82 from the Department of Education to help us run our summer school events. This was used to resource the week and provide the following activities:

  • Activ camp sessions
  • Zoolab animal handling
  • Circus skills run by Circus Sensible
  • Computing sessions
  • Science experiments
  • Class room based activities in a range of subjects

We were also pleased to be able to provide all our pupils with refreshments during the week and they were able to take home a goodie bag and a book.

The weeks were a resounding success and we were delighted to be able to end the week with a wonderful celebration event for pupils and their families.

“It really was so positive and uplifting and much appreciated. Our son is so excited to start and having this time to familiarise himself with the school, some of the teachers, and to make friends has been brilliant.”

“I wondered if you could pass on our thanks and congratulations to the team at Graveney for such a wonderful induction week for our child. We have been so impressed and are beyond thankful to the staff and teachers who managed to pull this together for the children.”