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Graveney School

Graveney's House System

The house system at Graveney School has been longstanding. Originally consisting of three houses, it expanded to incorporate two new houses in Summer 2018. Graveney reintroduced the house system by appointing five new Heads of House and an overall House Coordinator.

The Heads of House are responsible for planning, running and staffing house events, delivering house assemblies, and organising the teams of House Prefects.

Rosa Bassett house badge Battersea House badge Ensham House badge Furzedown House badge St John's House badge
Rosa Bassett Battersea Ensham Furzedown St. John’s
Ms Morad Mr Smith Ms Neblett Mr Riman Mr Madhar

Each house has a Senior House Prefect and a Deputy House Prefect both from Year 13 and a team of House Champions made up of two pupils from each form in the house.


The revival brought with it a series of aims that are designed to fully integrate the house system into Graveney life and to ensure that pupil participation and engagement make a meaningful difference to the educational lives of pupils:

  • Strengthen relationships across the school community
  • Develop resilience
  • Celebrate achievement
  • Encourage a promotion of positive values
  • Form positive characters



house bulletin summer 12.pdf