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Graveney School


For all information related to exams at Graveney please refer to the areas in this part of our website. Should you not find what you are looking for please email us 
info@graveney.wandsworth.sch.uk putting Examinations in the email subject line.


Examinations Booklet 2025

Exam information for students and families: A Level, AS Level, BTEC and GCSE



If you are a student who has just completed GCSEs and Level 2 qualifications and are not sure whether you want to query your exam grade, or you just want to see the copy of your paper, you can request a copy. 

If you want to see your script to decide whether or not you want your paper reviewed you need to do this quickly. This will allow time to see the paper and then if necessary to apply for a review, as you have to request the review by the Tuesday 24 of September. So you need to request your script by Monday 9 September. Read carefully.


Summer 2025

Receiving Results

JCQ National Exam Regulations and Guidance

IFC Coursework Assessments 2023

IFC-NE Assessments 2023

IFC On-screen Examinations 2023

IFC Written Examinations 2023-24

Information for Candidates Privacy Notice

JCQ Preparing to sit your exams 2023-24

JCQ Social Media Infographic

Warning to Candidates 2022-23

Unauthorised Items poster 2022



Exam timetables and statements of entry will be given to students.

Please check that all personal details such as date of birth are correct and that student's name is in it's full, legal form.  Check that all subjects appear, at the right tier and option.

Email the exams team with any errors or omissions to exams@graveney.wandsworth.sch.uk

Access Arrangements

Awaiting updates

GCSE and A level results 

  • A-level and other level 3 results will be released to students at:

08:00 on Thursday 15 August 2024

  • GCSE and other level 2 results will be released to students at:

08:00 on Thursday 22 August 2024

Receiving Results Summer 2024 including what to do if you have queries or concerns: 

Receiving Results

 Post-Exam Results Information and Services

Deciding what to do after receiving your results

jcq post results services 2024.pdf


Exam Certificates

Collecting exam certificates

Certificates have now arrived in school and are available for you to collect from Reception.  They will be available for collection from 9.30am to 4.00pm each day

Please make sure you bring a form of photographic ID with you when you come to school, as we are required to check the identity of students. 

1. What if I can’t come in to school this month to collect my certificates?

The certificates will remain at Reception, so there is plenty of time to pick them up, but don’t forget to do so!  

Alternatively you can nominate someone else (e.g. a parent) to collect them on your behalf.  If so, you must print, complete and sign this form (click to open link) and then give it to your representative who must bring the completed and signed form and a form of photographic ID (of the nominated person) with them when they come to school.  

Please make sure you read this form carefully, complete it precisely as directed and make sure that your representative brings it, and their requested ID, with them when coming into school.  The form must be the original copy bearing your signature, not an emailed or scanned copy; it is essential that we have a form with your original signature on it, otherwise we will be unable to release the certificates. 

2. Can I pay to have my certificates posted to me?

Yes, you can pay £10.00 to have your certificates posted to you via recorded, tracked and signed for, mail to a UK address of your choice.  Please complete the attached form and pay the fee by bank transfer to Graveney School at:

  • Sort Code:  60-21-29
  • Account Number:  55750206
  • Amount £10.00

In the reference section, please write “Exams” followed by your candidate number and name

Please also provide an email address so that we can email you to let you know when your certificates are despatched.

  What do I do if I have queries or concerns about my results

 If you have queries or concerns please email the school exams office:


Private Candidates

Graveney School does not accept private candidates.

Coping with Exam Stress

 This presentation has strategies to help support young people during the exam season and help families recognise signs of stress:

Exam Stress Presentation

Advice and links to online resources can also be found in the Wellbeing and Mental Health sections on this page of our website:

Safeguarding and Wellbeing

How to contact the Exams Office

The Exams Office is on the top floor of College House.

Email: exams@graveney.wandsworth.sch.uk

Phone: main school switchboard 020 8682 7000