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Graveney School

Reverse Advent Calendar 2023

On Tuesday we collected all the boxes that pupils and staff had so kindly filled. Despite the rain the superstar girls in 8B & 8D helped me load the bus. There was a  feast of goods and I felt a really warm feeling that as a school we had once again taken up the challenge of the Reverse Advent Calendar. And why not?  After all  It is a fun way of teaching pupils the importance of helping others and seeing the bigger picture at Christmas and more importantly that they have given a Christmas gift  to someone that really needed it.

Along with Red Flash helpers Maryam, Safa, Leo, Maia and Louise we dropped the goods at the Wandsworth foodbank. The generosity of pupils and staff was such that the minibus was crammed full of goods and so heavy we couldn’t get up the ramp! In the end was no other option but to off load the pupils and some boxes in order to access the Foodbank warehouse.
The students were so organised and thorough in emptying the boxes and cataloguing all the items in the foodbank warehouse and they made me so proud. We really are fortunate at Graveney to have such positive and enthusiastic pupils.

The Foodbank  were so grateful for all our efforts. They said that your donations will prove crucial in helping them to continue to serve those who are struggling with food poverty in our local community and will make a huge difference to the families which they work with and help them to continue supporting families in crisis.
In 2022 as a school we collected an amazing 550KG = 1310 meals for local families in crisis! Our hope is to achieve a similar target this year or maybe even exceed it. The Foodbank will let us know what the weight total is at a later date

Thank you to all of you that bought into the initiative as the results were incredible and will mean that for some families in our community Christmas won’t be so bleak.

Ms Ibe, Head of Year 11